RC Weslowski is a spoken word artist, actor, trained clown, broadcaster, voice over performer, workshop leader, podcaster and wearer of many other hats.
RC is the winner of the 2016 Sheri D Wilson Golden Beret Award and the 2012 Canadian Individual Poetry Slam Champion. RC has worked in the broadcast industry since 1986 and been head of commercial production for Corus Entertainment since 2002 where he has voiced and produced hundreds of radio commercials for local, regional and national clients.
RC's recent onscreen work includes starring in Shayne Koyczan's "Heaven of Whatever" video and a lead role in the independent film "Loopy." This Summer RC will be touring his one person spoken word/clown mash up play "The Cruelest Phone Book in the World" to the Winnipeg Fringe Festival.
RC is the co-founder and co-director of Hullabaloo: the BC Youth Spoken Word Festival. He is also the co-creator of Surrealist Audio Collage Podcast "Oh No Not Another Podcast" as well as co-hosting the internationally acclaimed poetry radio show, Wax Poetic on Co Op Radio in Vancouver.
My Soft Response To The Wars is the debut poetry collection from Canadian Poetry Slam Champion, RC Weslowski.
With a clown's eye and a trickster's lip these poems work to rewrite the trauma of childhood sexual abuse with the scissors of surrealism and absurdity.
Love and how to survive its loss and transform it into something we can carry forward no matter how wretched, weird and ridiculous it may seem in the aftermath of betrayal is the driving principle in all these poems.